Discover monuments to visit in Larciano
The Church of St. Roch
The Church of St. Roch
The San Rocco’s (St. Roch’s) Church, in neo-Renaissance style, has reached its current aspect as a Latin cross after many interventions. At the back of the building, next to the apse, stands the bell tower with a square base, whose cell opens to the outside with a...
Larciano Castle
San Marco Gate (North)
The North Gate, recently restored, is one of the three access points to the village of Larciano Castello and has the same constructive and modular characteristics of the North-East Gate. Built using, as modular basis, the “Liutprand foot”, an ancient unit of measure...
The Church of St. Sylvester
The San Silvestro’s (St. Sylvester’s) Church has a Roman origin and traditionally it is said that in the same place, up to the beginning of the 4th Century AD, there was an old heathen temple transformed into a church during the pontificate of Pope Silvestro I (313 –...
Remembrance Park of Castelmartini
The park is located near the parish complex of San Donnino at the south-western limit of the hamlet belonging to the the Municipality of Larciano. It's in a very significant landscape value position. The whole area is in fact situated nearby the urbanized territory,...
Lo Stupore – Monument
Monument in Memory of the Massacre of the Fucecchio Marshland happened the 23 August 1944 in memory of the Tuscan Combatants who died for the homeland in the 1940-1945 war. “The wonder and tragedy in the faces of the innocent!” This is the message which the artist...
The Church of St. Donnino
The church of St. Donnino, in the hamlet of Castelmartini, today shows a triangular gable facade and a bell tower along the left transept. Inside, at a single nave, a painting of the first half of the eighteenth century representing St. Joseph with Saints Anthony...
Fucecchio Marshlands
Fucecchio Marshes Nature Reserve
The Fucecchio marshlands are the biggest in Italy, extending for about 1800 hectars, 230 of which are natural reserves instituted by the Provincial Administrations of Pistoia and Florence. Even if they were considerably reduced compared to the ancient lake marsh once...
Museum of the Rural Life
Housed in a farmhouse, the Museum of the Rural Life - Casa Dei, is located in an area of great historical and natural interest: the Fucecchio Marshland (Padule di Fucecchio). Created in collaboration with the Region of Tuscany and under the patronage of the Province...
Cecina – The Medieval Square
A magnificent little square, of medieval origin, in which we discover on the one hand one of two gateways to the village, through 600 meters of the perimeter wall, and on the other hand the back and more ancient part of the Church of St. Nicholas. We draw your...
The Church of St. Nicholas
The church is of Romanic origin, although only the apse, resting on a rock, dates from this period; the bell tower and part of the church were instead subject to subsequent alterations in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. The church has a triangular tympanum...
Cecina – The View
With our back to the church of St. Nicholas in the background, the nearest hill is Montevettolini, part of the municipality of Monsummano Terme, in which the white of the Medici villa stands. On the next hill stands the tower of Monsummano Alto, and in the distance...