Italian Alpine Club – Sect. Pistoia

Trail no. 822 San Rocco – Larciano Castello – Località Nardini (to trail no. 800 )

The trail n. 822 starts in the hamlet of San Rocco (50 m above sea level) in Piazza Vittorio Veneto in front of the Town Hall; take Via Roma and follow it until you enter Via Larciano; you will follow it on the left to a tabernacle. Here you take a road on your right (Via Vecchia Larciano) that initially goes down, crosses a stream, then, in correspondence of a large cistern of masonry goes up on the left and immediately after on the right; then at the end of the asphalt you begin to cross a thick olive grove, reach the walls and through a well-preserved gate you enter the small and quiet town of Larciano Castello (165 m above sea level). Following some alleys you go up to the square in the center of the village where the Fortress, the church and the Podesteria are located, and from which the trail no. 826 originates, directed to Cecina. Willing to continue on the trail no. 822, you exit the square from where we entered and turn immediately left to via Podesteria then to via Spinelli, to the north. When behind the fortress you take the asphalt Via Sanbarontana, pass the cemetery and ignoring the side deviations, continue on the main road that in discreet climb crosses two groups of houses then becomes unpaved and less steep; at a ditch you enter the Municipality of Lamporecchio (the road meanwhile has become Via dei Pianali) and going up gradually with a final asphalt stretch you arrive at locality Nardini (riding stables, sports field , Camping “Barco Reale”) where you meet the ridge trail no. 800. Walking along this trail to the right (or alternatively using the road Via Nardini) in another 20 minutes you arrive at the village of San Baronto.

Length Km. 4.400 Travel time: Outward h. 1:45, Return h. 1:20

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