Stage n.T18NL-Pistoia-San Baronto – NONANTOLANA-
Cross Piazza Duomo keeping the Cathedral of San Zeno on the left and taking Via
Stracceria after the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Corte. After a hundred meters you get to
Piazza Sala. Cross it going straight on Via dei Fabbri. After about thirty meters the road turns right and you go right again after 40 meters keeping on Via Fabbri (on the left you see an arch: it is Via Romana). After 30 meters you arrive in Via degli Orafi: continue left. Via
degli Orafi becomes later via della Madonna, via N. Puccini and then via S. Sacconi and
ends with a roundabout after 750 meters. Continue in the direction of the railway, a little left, still going straight along via Nazario Sauro for 1.5 km.
Still walking on the sidewalk
you pass under the motorway junction of Pistoia, cross the bridge over the river Ombrone and take the first street on the left, via C. Bargi. You go through it all, passing the underpass
of the railway tracks, until you reach San Pantaleo and the homonymous church after 500 meters. Keep to the right passing in front of the church and continue on asphalt road for 600
meters along Via Bragi. Now keep left and climb the overpass that passes the A11
motorway. After the overpass continue on the main road that is via Bragi, keeping on the asphalt road and ignoring the side streets.
After 600 meters you cross a bridge over the river
Stella and you arrive at Bragi. After the bridge, take Via di Collina on the right, which goes up among the olive groves. The road is paved and after 1.1 km you reach Collina and the church of Santi Pietro and Girolamo. Continue straight for about 1 km and straight for 1.4
km uphill on Via Vinacciano. Continue along this road until you find a corner that continues to the left towards Vinacciano and on the right there is the indication of the CAI Trail no. 817. Take the path on a forest road uphill and with a stony pavements. After one km you reach the former convent “Madonna delle Grazie”, which you see on the left, now in ruins and abandoned. You overcome it, going up again on the trail dug by the erosion of water, thus reaching a crossroads. Now follow the indications of the CAI Trail no. 800, which goes down until you reach a unpaved road. Follow it on the right until you reach, after a hundred meters, a CAI road-mark on the left. The signal is not clearly visible and you must pay attention not to overcome it, until you get to the farm “Poggio dei Papi”. You overcome it by proceeding for 270 meters on a downhill unpaved road. Once you reach the asphalt road of the Provincial Road no. 27, follow it for 560 meters following the indications of CAI Trail no. 800. Once you reach a corner, you can see a row of cypress trees in front and a headland, again in front, that goes up on the hill among the olive groves. You take it facing the steep climb until you reach a plateau, walking on a slight slope between the cultivation of vines and olive trees for about 1.5 km. Still following the CAI Trail no. 800, you cross the Provincial Road no. 28 and continue straight on the unpaved road that is in front.
Continue straight on the unnpaved road for 450 meters, continue now keeping Via
Sanbarontana on the left. After 495 meters turn left keeping on Via Sanbarontana and after another 230 meters at the junction keep right, slightly uphill, following the trail and continuing in Via San Baronto; the road surface is partly unpaved. Follow the road for about a km until you find the asphalt road of Via Santa Lucia. Proceed to the right in Via Santa Lucia and you are on a partly asphalted partly gravel road for 600 meters turning around the hill, until you descend in Via Santa Lucia continuing straight for 610 meters. Arrived at some large cypresses, which you have on the right, near the road sign school bus for children, now cross the asphalt road of Santa Lucia and take the descending headside that you have in front of the CAI path. Follow it to descend for 175 meters and continue left in via San Francesco, again to descend for 180 meters. Now follow via San Biagio on the left, still following the CAI roadmarks for 340 meters. Follow the CAI indications crossing the forest and arriving in via Nardini, asphalt, after 825 meters. Turn left and take the first right passing behind a football field and going up the hill behind the camping for 565 meters.
Now you find via del Corso which with a steep descent leads to the square in front of the church of San Baronto.